Formulating a Business Plan

Formulating a Business Plan
Craig Warren

Having a solid business plan is roughly a fifteen on a scale of one to 10!

As they say, “If you fail to plan, then you’re really planning to fail.”

This is true regardless of the type of business you run, whether you sell goods or services.

The difference between working 60 to 80 hours a week throughout the year and breaking even or, worse, losing money depends on the approach you choose.

However, many prosperous business owners who have a plan work fewer hours and earn a ton of money, and they typically credit their success to having and adhering to a strategic plan.

Strategic business management: what is it?

To put it simply, it’s the process of establishing your company’s goals and objectives, coming up with a plan of action to achieve them, and then sticking to it.

How does one develop a strategic plan for their company?

Start by defining your company’s vision.

What would it look like if there were no obstacles, nothing preventing you from growing your business to its full potential?

What are the fundamental operational principles of your business?

Which tenets serve as its foundation?

Put differently, how do you conduct business, and why are you in business?

Make a three- to five-year strategy now.

The broad goals that will help you go from where you are now to where you want to be form the foundation of your long-term plan.

Create a strategy for this year.

These are the particular goals you intend to achieve this year in order to get closer to your long-term ambitions.

When establishing your yearly objectives, keep in mind to be “SMART” (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-oriented).

List the obstacles preventing you from reaching your desired destination.

Determine what resources you need to overcome those obstacles and what you already have.

After that, write an action plan that outlines exactly how you will accomplish your objectives.

Include important staff members in this phase of the planning process.

Establish a series of benchmarks or milestones. This is crucial so you can track your development.

Your staff and any other participants in the process should be informed of the plan.

Your yearly plan is the road map that will guarantee that everyone gets to the same place, but for it to work, everyone must have the same map!

Implement the plan.

It’s time to start the voyage now that you have the road map.

Examine your progress.

As with any journey, you should occasionally consult the map to make sure you’re still headed in the right direction.

If something isn’t working, you’ll get back on track sooner if you can identify the issue and make the required changes.

Next year, repeat the same cycle.

(Plan, Act, Dream, Check).

Making a business plan and sticking to it will guarantee that you enjoy the process just as much as arriving at your target.

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