The Reasons Network Marketing is Bad

Network marketing seems like it should be a really successful strategy.

Purchase a product, tell all your friends about it, and get paid a percentage for whatever purchases they make.

What the major TV advertisers fear most is this “word-of-mouth” advertising: recommending your product to your friends has far more influence than a costly televised advertisement.

Thus, each transaction brings in a few pennies or dollars for you.

The real money, however, is meant to come from getting your friend to join the network and do as you have done, which is to tell all of their friends about the product.

Additionally, you receive a little commission from their sales, and as your network expands rapidly, so does your revenue.

Why then does it not work?

Why do network marketers fail in 97% of cases?

There are two primary responses.

The pay plan comes first.

You have to move products if you want to make any money at all.

Assume that each order that comes via your downline brings you $1 on average.

This implies that in order to earn $100, you and your group must generate 100 sales.

That’s not very much.

You’ll probably need at least $500,000 to live the life you’ve always wanted, quit your day job, spend more time with your family, and pay off your debts, including credit cards, mortgages, and auto loans.

It will take you a very long time at $1 a pop.

‘Recruitment’ is the component of the business that comes in here.

You could move all those goods and get wealthy if you could just find enough teammates.

However, you’ve run out of pals, and the majority of them are either bad networkers or don’t want to know.

Thus, this represents the second cause of network marketing failure.

You must go out and find new recruits if you want to increase your downline.

Most individuals detest doing this as well.

It’s challenging, discouraging, and draining.

Thus, out of 100 networkers, 97 give up and fail.

The dream eventually fades away.

What, then, is the solution?

It is not a good idea to make a fortune $1 at a time.

Also, making cold calls to strangers is about as enjoyable as having your own teeth pulled.

Forget about the conventional network marketing model and consider it from the perspective of a tycoon.

If you sell a large ticket item, you’ll get paid more money with less work.

Why not get $500 per sale as opposed to only $1?

And why not assign if you find it difficult to sell to strangers?

Give the work to the professionals, and let them handle all of the closing, selling, and mingling.

I can accomplish this, and you could as well.

This method is operated from behind your computer screen, from any location in the world.

Neither this nor MLM are pyramid schemes.

And even if you are a total recluse, you can still succeed at it.

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