Various Keywords for Various People in Home Business
Craig Warren
To see a sale, whether it’s an online business or a home-based venture, you need to drive visitors to your website.
I’m sure we’ve all heard of auctions.
The winner takes home the winnings.
The perceived value of the item being offered, the number of bidders present, and their combined purchasing power all affect the bid price during an auction.
The same guidelines apply to Google Adwords PPC campaigns as well.
In the end, everything is governed by the rule of supply and demand.
The most expensive keywords are also the ones that bring in the greatest traffic.
Due to the volume of searches made using terms like “home business” and “internet home business,” these terms are expensive.
So, if you wish to place a bid on any of these terms, how do you do it?
The solution is straightforward, though.
Two choices are available:
Place a bid on them, but only if you have a horde of employees working for you, making sure you don’t get outbid and handling all the negative keywords you’ll need to weed out of the useless search terms they appear in.
They will also be more expensive!
Furthermore, you won’t be visible if you place a low bid on them.
Increase your bids on a greater number of mediocre or lower traffic keywords, which are more targeted and cost far less.
Place a bid on no fewer than 200 or 300 terms in that manner.
The total volume of traffic ought to be quite high.
So how do you assess these keywords’ potential for traffic?
You can use a variety of keyword analysis tools to assist you with this, though.
Wordtracker, Adwords Analyzer, Keyword Analyzer, and others are a few of them.
Enter a general term such as “internet business” or “home business,” and it will provide you with similar terms that people are searching for.
After that, you can conduct more thorough searches for every one of them.
This is really beneficial.
Numerous data points are available to you, including the quantity of searches performed for each of those keywords over the past month, the number of results that were found, the number of Google campaigns for each as well as for the other major search engines, the Google bids (maximum bids), and more.
This is really helpful information that will assist you in selecting the best keywords to advertise your online business opportunity or at-home business.
Once these terms have been found, include them in your home business website.
Obtaining links to your website from other websites that include these keywords in their anchor text would be very beneficial.
Collect as many in this manner as you can.
If you accomplish this correctly, Google should rank you higher.
Following that, you should start to see results and traffic to your website if you go ahead and launch a Google AdWords PPC campaign on these keywords with your ad title and ad body tailored for these phrases (including your H tags and title).
Keep in mind that Google AdWords campaigns must be continuously refined through trial and error.
Google will rotate these ads for you as you compare and contrast the first two or three ads for similar keyword groups.
If a keyword doesn’t seem right for one ad, copy and paste it to the other, remove it if it’s pointless, or create a brand-new, relevant ad that incorporates it.
Then, keep testing.
This is a guaranteed method to increase your click through rates (CTRs) dramatically.
The final product should be a single advertisement that combines every necessary component.
Once you’re completed, it will make you money indefinitely, but it takes time.
You can increase your returns by branching out to additional search engines like Yahoo.
That is, however, totally up to you.
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