If you base your marketing choices on these marketing fallacies, you risk losing sales.
You now have some marketing advice to dispel each myth and increase sales.
People purchase goods at the most affordable price they can find.
That is untrue; if it were, Timex would have long since driven businesses like Rolex out of business and there would be no Rolex.
Despite the simplicity of research made possible by the internet, most purchasers are lazy and don’t do thorough investigation.
Even on eBay, where comparing product costs is much simpler, customers frequently pay more for goods than they should.
So what drives consumer behavior?
These are referred to as buying triggers, and the most popular ones are:
Belief in the vendor
Strong perception of value
Purchase simplicity
Establish your credentials.
For instance, our program has over 20 years of expertise in business consulting, so we are aware of what functions well and poorly in an organization.
Look for ways to increase the perceived value of your product or service by including extras or emphasizing the benefit of purchasing it.
Make sure your sales letter has some genuine recommendations.
Avoid adding any purchasing obstacles, such as additional forms or difficult or confusing payment methods, to make it simple for customers to buy and acquire your product.
Myth 2: Increasing sales by providing your clients with a wide range of options
Most customers struggle to make decisions when given a variety of options.
They frequently delay taking action and turn to a merchant who offers a product with more clarity as a response.
By this, we don’t mean provide extras or upsells; rather, just declare what is included in the product and avoid providing options that may confuse customers and make the selling and processing process more challenging.
When given the two options “buy” or “don’t buy,” the human mind functions better.
Myth busted:
Each page can only have one product or product package.
To encourage multiple purchases, you can offer a simple (yet concise) menu on each page.
If a product or service has more than one option, give each one a unique name and present it separately.
They can be referred to as “silver service,” “gold service,” “opal service,” etc.
We implemented this with our numerous marketing services, and it works really well.
Always aim for a condensed, simple-to-understand product or service portfolio.
You ought to be able to briefly describe each of your products.
How can you expect your potential customers to comprehend what they are buying if you are unable to achieve this?
Third Myth: Everyone Needs My Goods or Services
Unfortunately, the majority of people don’t think they actually need a certain service or product.
Obviously, your teenager will try to convince you that they absolutely, positively, positively need an iPod, but this is peer pressure that has cost millions of dollars to develop.
A large portion of this was used to conduct market research, and they were successful!
If you buy into this fallacy, you’ll also think that you can be successful without doing much selling or marketing.
Unfortunately, contrary to what some marketers may claim, things do not work out that way.
There are undoubtedly some very successful marketers out there, but they would all acknowledge that before they were successful, a lot of market research, testing, and analysis of their goods took place.
A successful business requires a lot of work, much of it is spent locating potential clients and matching them with your goods and services.
Even though the majority of people can utilize your product or service, you still need a marketing strategy to get in front of them and a convincing sales pitch to make deals since, as you can bet your last dollar, there are just as many sellers as there are prospective customers.
Myth 3:
Do your research and find out where your potential clients are as well as what problems they are trying to answer for their specific requirements and aspirations.
Find a market that is niche-specific and will allow you to meet a specific need for the target audience with your goods or services.
Create your product or service with these demands in mind.
Test, Modify, Test, Fine-Tune, Test, and get client input.
There are several myths that you will likely believe until you are one of the billionaire marketers out there.