Electronic Dictor
You can download and test out the demo version of this software before you buy it.
Although you cannot actually generate an eBook using the trial, you can run the software and give it a comprehensive test to determine whether it meets your needs for your specific eBook.
One of the simplest to use is this eBook compiler.
Every field on every screen has an explanation and instructions available through the software’s very user-friendly help menu.
Additionally, the application comes with video lessons that walk users through each stage of the compilation and provide detailed explanations for each area that needs to be filled out.
You can select your eBook options using seven screens.
Your files must be in HTML format to be used with this compiler.
Your files are loaded by the compiler when you follow its easy instructions.
Make any necessary edits to your original files, and then click “Compile your eBook.”
Your modifications will be reflected in your compiled eBook if you choose to make any changes after it has been compiled.
Your eBook can be somewhat customized with an e-editor.
You have the ability to design an exclusive page that opens when the eBook is viewed, make personalized desktop icons that show up after the download, add your own logo to the eBook’s task bar, alter the buttons on the task bar, change the color of the task bar, and more.
Many of your customers will also like that you can set the eBook to open to the last page they have read.
The opportunity to customize your eBook with a custom-designed window or select a pre-made Microsoft window is a great and distinctive feature of E-ditor.
The application offers a few sample window styles, but you can use any bitmap skin (.bmp) image that’s on your computer.
If you’ve never produced an eBook before, E-ditor is a great option because it’s user-friendly and lets you alter the eBook’s look.
Authoring on a Desktop
You can use this compiler without a browser or the need to download any plug-ins or applications.
The application changes exe files into pages that resemble typical book pages.
eBook pages that fit on your computer screen without requiring scrolling can be created and produced.
WYSIWGY (what you see is what you get) page creation and editing, internal image manipulation, cut and paste functions, and hotlinks to other files, emails, websites, and pages are among the other features.
In addition to eBooks, it’s a great tool for compiling manuals and brochures as a marketing tool.
EBook Editor Pro
There is a demo version of this compiler available for you to try out.
Using a wizard, the software guides you through the setup and production of your eBook step-by-step.
Customization options include modifying the text that appears in the pop-up starting message window, permitting or prohibiting resizing of your book and the mouse-click pop-up menu, turning on or off the navigation bar and selecting which buttons to display, and personalizing the eBook’s desktop icon and logo.
eBook Edit Pro comes with a wizard tailored for both novice and expert users, and it is packed with fantastic features that let you create multi-media eBooks.
HTML files are used by the software, which downloads them from their saved directory.
You can re-compile your ebook with just one click after editing and saving your files in the original program that created them.
Customization of the “about box,” toolbars, and icons are among the features.
The Re-brander feature is one of this compiler’s more helpful features.
This enables you to give your affiliates or distributors access to the Re-brander software and add personalized code to your eBook pages.
The links that are part of the eBook can then be customized; however, they are unable to change any links or data for which you have not entered a customized code.
The program comes with “eBrand-It” software, which enables custom fields for the name, affiliate ID, and URL of your customers.
Because affiliates are much happier giving away your eBook from their own site when they can customize it, this feature is a powerful marketing tool.
Compiler for Ebooks
You can compile ten files with the demo version of this compiler.
You can make a ten-page e-book that can be printed and copied if you omit the graphics.
The drawback is that any eBooks you produce in the demo version cannot be sold.
The purchased software is user-friendly and includes simple-to-follow help files that explain what an eBook compiler does in addition to guiding you through the process of compiling your eBook.
The program offers thorough instructions for creating source files from HTML documents, PowerPoint, and Microsoft Word.
Less thorough instructions for generating source files from other applications are included.
With this compiler, you can password-protect all or some of the pages in your ebook.
You can also put a time limit on your electronic book.
The consumer must pay for access after it expires in order to continue having it.
Put differently, it lets you produce a sample of your eBook for promotional purposes.
One password or several passwords can be set.
By using multiple passwords, you can give each user a unique password.
Online help files walk you through the password configuration process.
If you want to sell an eBook that is password protected, you can also make a sales and thank-you page.
This is an excellent option for beginners, especially since it has the essential features for distribution and password protection.
Ebook Compiler Activated
This compiler is very feature-rich and simple to use.
All active plug-ins and HTML, JPEG, and GIF formats are supported by this program.
Password protection, branding, internet connectivity, customizing icons, allocating distinct serial numbers, splash screens, file compression, and start-up messages are just a few of the features.
Furthermore, free lifetime upgrades are offered.
It also comes with a re-brander, an active script, a pre-processor, and comprehensive usage instructions for HTML, Power Point, and Microsoft Word files.
There are a number of other top-notch eBook compilers available that are well worth investigating.
Splash screens, password security, branding, customizable icons, compression control, and branding are all features of Ebook Generator.
It also has virus protection that notifies the user of any changes made to your eBook and provides usage statistics so you can monitor how your eBook is being used.
This compiler is very easy to use, even for beginners, even with all these sophisticated features.
Another great compiler is Ebook Creator, which supports JavaScript, VB script, Java applets, and HTML, JPEG, GIF, and PNG graphics.
All Internet Explorer plug-ins are also supported.
Disabled right-clicking, search capabilities, a search bar, and unique serial numbers are among the standard features.
Direct links to a form or page on your website are also included.
This software enables you to make demo versions by allowing them to expire after a predetermined number of days or usages.
You can generate up to 1000 distinct passwords; in order to access protected pages, a new password is needed each time the eBook is downloaded.
With the software’s intuitive menus and buttons, users of all skill levels can create eBooks with ease.
Of course, there are some very good compilers available.
Determine all the features you require, then weigh your options and prices.
If demo versions are available, definitely take advantage of them before making a purchase.
Then enjoy yourself while you create your eBook!